Friday, September 11, 2009

Yoga school starts tomorrow! I am a life long learner and go into each study with gusto. I learn as much as I can usually so I can teach what I have learned. I find I learn even more by teaching. I find it oh so fitting that I start school the same week as my children so we can all experience the nervousness of starting something new together. I also find it fitting that I will be starting the Prenatal portion of the Yoga teacher training, since I have been teaching prenatal classes for several years now.

I enter this with a bit of fear. I was in a minor car accident last week, I was rear ended by a guy who was doing about 60 and didn't see that I was stopped at a red light - and I was there for at least a couple of minutes. I am suffering from whiplash and my neck and shoulders are extremely sore. I have been icing and have been for massage but am quite uncomfortable. Let's see how hard the TTC is on me with my neck. I am also hoping that these 7 months are not too difficult for my family. Above all else they are my main priority, I want to do this for me but I don't want them to suffer too much for it.

I enter tomorrow with the same feelings as my son today when he started Kindergarten for the first time. I am afraid of what is going to happen, but excited at what I am going to learn and do.

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